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Writer's pictureAlice's SPACE


It's Tuesday, January 5th. It's an '11' day, which is a Master Number, numerologically. Biodynamically, it's a 'root' day...and we have moved into Gene Key 54: 'The Serpent Path.'

(Shadow) Greed – (Gift) Aspiration – (Siddhi) Ascension. Wow, huh?

When I woke up this morning, I felt sore, achy, and heavy. The intensity of this Gate felt real, you know what I mean? When I tuned in, to what to share, I got: revolution/revelation. Okay.

We're back to the 'Apocalypse:' the Great Reveal.

As I wondered what the images were, I walked past my favorite Triptych by Deborah Kidwell.

This one is called: 'Shadowboxing.'

She created this piece to be hung either way...which is fabulous because it sometimes feels like I am shadowboxing in/from different directions.

Humans Design states: "Gate 54 provides humanity with the fuel and ambition to transform the Tribe's material direction and standing among other tribes. It supplies the energy for our most mundane ambitions, and the highest spiritual aspirations that may be hidden within them...

...Only when we have mastered our instincts to thrive on the mundane plane, is transformation of a spiritual nature possible."

This piece is called: 'Waiting.'

It does feel like I have been waiting for a long time (years, centuries, millennia?) to get to this point in time.

Many friends around the world have been waiting for this time to see what will happen here in the US, as it impacts the world. All of our Galactic Guides and Ancestors have been waiting to assist us in navigating this Ascension process.

There have been encouraging words, which confirmed truth.

This last piece is titled: 'Stepping Out.'

When I first saw these pieces, close to two decades ago (in 2002), I fell in love with them; I so resonated with the cyclical nature of the themes.

When she delivered them, I found a special inscription on the back:

"To Alice - on your journey.

Oh - all I can say

There is One who walks with you even when the shadows grow. It is His story in me - these are my deepest prayers to you.

Love Deborah"

Now, it is my turn to hold the knowing of this Divinity - and reflect it for YOU.

Let us move through the next six days of this Gate, 'stepping out' to embody the Declaration of Independence; beyond greed (3D), aspiring towards transformation (5D), leading to Ascension (Beyond).

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

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